Chicken Yummy 345g by FitMeals


FitMeals are the perfect ‘stick it in the oven and go’ meal!



The FitMeal  recipes and processes is created by the French MasterChef. All meal packs are without a fail, delicious and fresh tasting as we calculate every gram of ingredients and choose only top quality produce.

Gluten Free, Diary Free

Nutrition Info: 393cal // 9g fat// 47g Carb// 29g Protein.

Preparation Instruction :

  • Defost meal by removing from Freezer and plaing it in your fridge overnight or 12 hours.
  • Removed lid and peel off plastic seal on top of containner.
  • Stovetop, Pour entire food content into a pot or pan, cook overlow – medium heat on stovetop until desired temperature.

Or  Microwave, Leave food inside the container or pour content on a palte/bowl. Heat in     Microwave fow 1:30 – 2 min. Remove, Stir, and put back in anothe 1:30 – 2 min!

Eat & Enjoy!!

Ground Chicken leg (skin free) , Sweet Potato, White Onion, Sweet Corn, Leek, Dupuy Lentil, Bacon, Tomatoes, Natural Chicken Broth, Coconut Milk, Fresh Parsley, Organic Bali Sea Salt, Crushed Pepper.