January 17, 2025

Baked Ricotta Pears by Helen Einlo

Rainy days in Bali (or anywhere in the world) call for warm and soothing recipes to add extra warmth, spice and sweetness 🍐🥰

40min 1-2


1 pear

1 cup of ricotta

Ghee or oil

Dash of chosen milk or yoghurt

3 chopped dates

Mix of chosen nuts & seeds

Dash of honey

Vanilla extract




Cut the pear in half, remove the centre and scoop a deeper hole in the middle.

Mix together ghee, vanilla extract and cinnamon and coat the pears in the mixture.

Place it upside down on a baking sheet and bake for ~15min.

Until the pears cook mix together the scooped out pear, ricotta, milk or yogurt, cinnamon, salt and chopped dates.

Turn the pears around and add the ricotta mixture inside. Bake for another ~10min.

Sprinkle the nut and seed mixture over them, add a dash of honey and vanilla. I also used little balsamic vinegar – I love how it adds little sour flavour to the sweetness.

Close your eyes, connect with the creation, say a little love and thank you prayer for the creator. Serve warm. Enjoy slowly savouring every bite 💚

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