Grass Fed Ghee Clarified Butter by Beorganik, 100ml


Beorganik, founded in 2019, is a consumer goods company dedicated to promoting health and wellness. We believe in educating our community, customers, and employees about the importance of healthy living. Our mission is to create trustworthy, organic products that nourish both you and the planet.


BPOM/PIRT : P-IRT 6063173670156-27 (checked : 27 may 2027 )
HALAL : 31210020530190824

Organic Ghee clarified butter is a purified butter derived from animal fat. Ghee has a distinctive taste and texture, and is rich in vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, and other nutrients that are beneficial for health. It is lactose-free, non-GMO, and caffeine-free.
Can be used for various purposes, such as spreading on bread/pancakes, as a cooking oil substitute, a baking ingredient, an additional fat for complementary feeding, and more.
With many function for body like in below list :
* Anti-inflammatory
* Increases vitamin A intake
* Maintains heart health
* Helps reduce intestinal inflammation
* Helps control cholesterol and weight
* Good for baby's complementary feeding
* As a cooking oil substitute
* Boosts immunity

Origen : Local, West of Jakarta
Qualities : Organic, 100% Natural
Storage Instructions : Chiller
Shelf Life : 1 year
Company Website : / Beorganik

100% Butterfat